Susanna Kittredge is a schoolteacher and poet. Her first full-length poetry collection, The Future Has a Reputation, was published by the CW Books imprint of WordTech Communications in 2020. Susanna holds an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Her poems have appeared in publications such as Sidebrow, Barrow Street, 14 Hills, Salamander and The Columbia Review, as well as the anthologies Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006) and Shadowed: Unheard Voices (The Press at California State University, Fresno 2014). She is a proud member of the Jamaica Pond Poets workshop group (with whom she co-curates the Chapter and Verse Reading Series) and a regular participant in the Brighton Word Factory (a bi-weekly open writing group). She currently lives outside of Boston, not far from her hometown.

Photo credit: Shelby Meyerhoff